Sorry for the lack of posts last week. I assure you that you missed nothing exciting in any of our lives.
Chester's still doing great. His foot has even more hair on it, but I think it will always be patchy for the rest of his life. Gyan thinks that it's cold because he will walk just fine on carpet and things that cover the floor, but is much more inclined to keep it elevated on the wood floor of my apartment. They can't be that much softer, but they could be much warmer. Maybe I'll make him a tiny sock. His toenails are starting to poke through too.
Everyone told me that he would be a totally different kitty when this was all over. I never realized to what extent they would be right.
Not to sound too new aged - but he has a completely different spirit to him now. Before he didn't seem like my cat in any sort of fashion. He was more of this wounded soul who needed to be protected and cared for and cherished. Now he's an entitled, gets what he wants and deserves, playful, stubborn, and feisty cat. I don't know how to describe it better, but I hope you can sort of understand what I mean. He is just now what he probably always should have been. Which is wonderful.
But my constant snuggles and adoration are a thing of the past. Now he swats at my feet all night instead of sleeping on my face. And plays with every toy we long ago gave up on. And snuggles with me when he's hungry or I've been away for too long. I'm not entirely pleased by this, but I know it's the best sign I could ask for. I feel like it's homologous to letting my child grow up and be autonomous. He deserves to be a 3 year old cat finally. I can't imagine how much better he feels, even if I don't get to be his comforter anymore.
Chester has INSISTED that we cuddle the minute I get out of the shower for as long as we've had him. (like this)
However, today he wanted nothing of the sort. He wanted to play instead. I would be in mourning, but when I got home today he cuddled and slobbered all over my face for a good half hour. So I don't think he's ready to cut the cords just yet either. 

Chester has also gotten a new food/toy to play with. He is willing to give it a go, but He's not nearly as impressed as when I lay the food out in an easy to scarf down matter. But it does keep his whining and flailing on me in the mornings down
13/9/2012 04:35:26 am

His paw is looking really good - all considered - yeah Chester!


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    Chester is a 4ish year old orange tabby with a huge medical bill and an equally huge ability to love. His attitude is no small entity either.
    He goes by the names Chester, Cheetoh, Cheese, Cheeselog, Whiney-pants, and Scarf Cat, among others.


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