Chester just had a huge breakthrough! We haven't taken him "out for a walk" in the hall since we got back because we didn't really need to. He's walking entirely on his foot on the wood floor, and he's been content to just have us back.
Tonight though he was antsy to explore. Gyan isn't here to play with him, and I am just not adequate at playing. Chester sat by the door like he does when he wants to go out, so I took him out. I couldn't find his favourite ball, so I tried a different toy to medium success. Then Chester started sniffing everyone's door and the doors to the stairwells. I've tried to take him in there a few times, and before the whole surgery debacle, he went up a few with me. Since the surgeries, he will barely go into the stairwells at all.
Today though, with a few pets and encouragements, he went up them like a champ. We went up and down, and even checked out the two floors above me. And when someone came out into the hall - a feat which usually has him sprinting for home - he went right up to them curiously. He got a bit scared off at a loud door close, and rand down a couple flights. But when I opened the door to the right floor, he ran up an entire flight of stairs and ran into the hallway, and sat next to his home door. He then got a special not diet approved treat and we snuggled for a few minutes. Now he's lazily sitting on the couch like he's a big deal.
I'm so proud of him. He's come so ridiculously far. Who even knows the kitty he will turn out to be with stability and safety now the norm in his life. I'm so excited! Plus, stairs are probably a great exercise for him to be partaking in these days…
And just because he's adorable. Here's a picture of him taking over my computer with his extra-chunky, extra-fiesty self
Cheer up cheese-man. Life is not quite as hopeless as it seems.
22/10/2012 04:25:14 am


Roya, give the chunky monkey a huge hug from me!

25/10/2012 08:22:15 am

Aww! he's adorable - "Way to go Chester" I've been cheering for you with no doubts of your great progess - keep on keepin on.


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    Chester is a 4ish year old orange tabby with a huge medical bill and an equally huge ability to love. His attitude is no small entity either.
    He goes by the names Chester, Cheetoh, Cheese, Cheeselog, Whiney-pants, and Scarf Cat, among others.


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